Roll on November 8. On this date, residents in the State of Delaware, will be able to finally wager real money on their favourite blackjack, poker, roulette and even slot machines, all from the comfort of their very own homes, via their computers. Delaware is set to become the first state to truly offer real, online internet gambling.

The new I-Gaming system is ready to go online, and will be available via one of three Delaware racetrack casinos. There is a catch of course, and that is that the player must be a registered resident of the State of Delaware, and that they must also be physically inside the state at the time of playing. But for those armchair gamers, this is certainly no problem at all!

The week-long trial of this software is already taking palace, for a limited number of players, before the system goes active if all goes well, within a few short days’ time.

The move is one that many other states are hoping to copy, with several having similar plans in the pipeline. Online gambling still tears the people of the country apart, with some states in favour, and others vehemently opposed. One thing is most certainly true though. There is an untapped resource awaiting states that do decide to play ball, due to the immense tax benefits that online gambling brings with it.

It is thought that Delaware is hoping that a younger generation of tech-savvy users will get involved in the games, in addition with the older generation of gamers which already frequent the land based casinos in the state. Nearby neighbours New Jersey and Pennsylvania are also trying to get involved, so it should come as no surprise that Delaware is making its move fast.

By Neha

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